Sunday, March 17, 2013

I am not “conceiving !” | දරු ඵල පමා වෙන්නේ ඇයි?

After marriage the next wish of any couple is to have a child. But this desire can at times grow in to an unhealthy obsession. The influence from parents and relatives may only increase the pressure.
But why is it exactly that some couples fail to conceive? This condition is called “subfertility” in medical terminology. For this definition the age of the female partner is a very important factor. Other conditions of the female partner are also taken into consideration. Here, problems with menstruation, and problems with female genital system take precedent. If none of these problems exist a wait and see period of one year is acceptable. But if the woman is over thirty five years old, this period is usually not more than six years.

Reasons for subfertility
Even in a normal couple the conception can be delayed up to one year in eighty percent of the couples. Half of the remaining twenty percent that is ten percent conceive during the next year. Only ten percent will not conceive under normal circumstances.  Out of these conception failures forty percent is caused by the problems in the male partner. Another forty percent is caused by problems in the female partner. Ten percent is caused by problems in both the male and female partners.  Remaining ten percent is usually without a definitive reason even after investigation.


Problems in the male partner 
Quantitative and qualitative problems with male sperms are a main reason for problems in the male partner. Also erectile dysfunction, problems with ejaculation can be seen. Several infections and blockages can cause these problems in ejaculation.  Although not as common hormonal problems also can cause problems in production of sperm.

Problems in the female partner
There are many reasons that may cause subfertility in a female. The anatomical and hormonal complexity of the female reproductive system is probably the reason for these numerous problems. There are eight million ova (eggs) in the female embryo when it is developing inside the uterus. This number is reduced to one million at birth.  But during the reproductive life period of a female only about four hundred ova are released. From this release of ovum to the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus, there can be problems in many stages.
One of the commonly seen abnormalities is the formation of cysts like a “bunch of grapes” in the ovaries. In this situation the release of ova has been significantly affected. Another problem is the obstruction of fallopian tubes due to various reasons. Abnormalities in the uterus can also cause subfertility. Also the condition called endometriosis can cause this problem. This condition can cause obstruction of fallopian tubes, problems with release of ova, and also pain when having sexual intercourse.

Investigating for the cause
When having subfertility both the husband and wife should be investigated. First a semen sample of the husband should be analyzed and for this he must abstain from sexual intercourse for three days. When analyzed a healthy male should have at least fifteen million sperms in one milliliter and forty percent of those sperm must be healthy sperm.
When investigating female partner several investigations like hormonal assays, ultrasound scanning of abdomen, laparoscopic testing are available based on the requirements of the specific individual. Also other illnesses such as diabetes, hypothyroidism that can affect fertility is also investigated.

Treating subfertility
When there is a problem with number of male sperm being produced there is no definitive treatment for that. But when there are problems with release of female ova hormonal stimulation techniques can be used.
Artificial insemination is also used nowadays. Depending on the problems that are causing subfertility, if this treatment method is deemed suitable your doctors can select good sperm from a sample of semen from your husband and can place it in your uterus.
In vitro fertilization is another method. These are the babies that are more commonly known as tube babies. In this method sperm and ova are brought together and fertilized in a laboratory under highly controlled environments and the resultant embryo is then placed In the mothers uterus. For this method to be adopted various parameters should be considered. Here clinical determinants take precedent.
As discussed here, there are various treatment methods with varying complexity for treating subfertility. Therefor if a couple is having a problem with subfertility consulting a obstetrician and gynecologist is the best option. 

Dr. Prashantha Gange,
Consultant obstetrician and gynecologist, Family Health Bureau

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